Celebrating Plastic Free July with Signbox: Leading the Way in Sustainable Signage

This #plasticfreejuly we’re celebrating the strides we’ve made towards sustainability. At Signbox, we are deeply committed to environmental responsibility, continuously seeking innovative materials and production methods to minimise our ecological footprint. Our journey towards sustainability is not just about following a trend but about leading the way in creating a greener future for our industry and our planet.  Our ESG policy sets out our aims and objectives towards a more sustainable future.

Innovative Materials for a Greener Tomorrow

A key aspect of our sustainable approach is our use of eco-friendly materials. Among our most notable innovations is the incorporation of bamboo in our signage solutions. Bamboo grows rapidly, requires minimal water, and does not need pesticides or herbicides, making it an excellent alternative to traditional materials like plastic.

Additionally, we offer PVC-free vinyl, which eliminates the harmful chemicals associated with PVC production. Our Green Guard inks are designed to reduce indoor air pollution, ensuring a healthier environment for both our production team and end-users.

We also utilise cast acrylics with 100% recycled content and a recycled paper and resin composite, providing durable and attractive signage options that align with our commitment to sustainability.

Pioneering Sustainable Production Methods

In addition to materials, our production methods play a crucial role in our sustainability efforts. We continually invest in state-of-the-art technology and processes that minimise waste and energy consumption. For instance, our advanced digital printing techniques use eco-friendly Green Guard inks and allow for precise application, reducing excess use of materials. Our manufacturing processes are designed to optimise resource efficiency, ensuring that every project we undertake has the smallest possible environmental impact.

Moreover, our solar-powered signs are a testament to our dedication to sustainable innovation. These signs harness the power of the sun, providing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for outdoor signage needs.

Launching a New Range of Sustainable Solutions

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our new range of sustainable signage solutions. This collection will feature a variety of eco-conscious options designed to meet the growing demand for green alternatives in the signage industry. Our new range will set a new standard for sustainable signage.

Our team has worked tirelessly to develop these solutions, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and environmental responsibility. We believe that sustainability should not come at the expense of performance or aesthetics, and our new range embodies this philosophy perfectly.

Join Us in Celebrating Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a reminder of the collective effort needed to tackle plastic pollution and create a more sustainable world. At Signbox, we are proud to contribute to this cause through our innovative materials and sustainable production methods. We invite you to join us in this journey by exploring our eco-friendly signage options and supporting initiatives that promote environmental responsibility.

As we prepare to launch our new range of sustainable solutions, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in sustainable signage. Together, we can make a significant impact and pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future.

Discover More About Our Sustainable Signage Solutions

Visit our website to learn more about our sustainable signage options and how we can help your business make an eco-friendly impact. Together, let’s lead the way in creating a cleaner, greener planet.

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